6th Maths Videos NCERT Solutio

Free video Lectures for class 6 Hindi Medium NCERT solution chapterwise with NCERT book download pdf of all chapters and Exercise 1 to 14th as per new syllabus of CBSE and all other states

Class 6 Maths Chapterwise NCERT Videos

6th Maths NCERT Book Download

Main Contents in class 6 NCERT Book Mathematics

Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers

अपनी संख्याओं की जानकारी

Comparing two numbers, asscending and decending order, making smallest and gratest number from given digits, daily life problem, approximation and rounding off the numbers Use of brackets Hindu-Arabic system Roman system, Indian System of Numeration and International System of Numeration. NCERT Solution of Text Book Exercise 1.1 and 1.2

Chapter 2 Whole Numbers

पूर्ण संख्याएँ

Predecessor and successor, Representing whole numbers on numberline Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Divison of whole numberson number line. Properties of whole numbers commutative Distributive Associative, Patterns in Whole Numbers Division by zero - not defined.

Chapter 3 Playing with Numbers

संख्याओं के साथ खेलना

Factors and Multiples Prime and Co,posite Numbers, Test for Divisibility of Numbers, Common Factors and Common Multiples, HCF and LCM

Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas

आधारभूत ज्यामितीय अवधारणाएं

in this chapter we have discussed the concept of point, Line Segment, Line, Ray, Curves, Polygons, Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles- circumference, cord , diameter etc.Exercise 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5

Chapter 5 Understanding Elementary Shapes

प्रारम्भिक आकारों को समझना

Measurement of Line Segmetn by different methods, Acute, Obtuse and Reflex angles, Right and Straight angles, Measurement of angles , Perpendicular Lines, Scalene Triangle, Isosceles and Equilateral triangle, acute angled, right angled and obtuse angled triangle, Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Three Dimensional Shapes - sphere, cone, cylinder, cuboid, cube, pyramid, face , edge vertex , prism, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Rectangle, Rhombus, Square.Exercise 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7,5 .8, 5.9

Chapter 6 Integers


Positive and negative Integers, Representation of integrs on a number line, Addition and Subtraction of Integers with the help of a Number line. NCERT Book Exercise 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

Chapter 7 Fractions Playing with Numbers


What is a fraction? how to represent a fraction on the Number line, Proper, Improper and Mixed Fractions, Equivalent Fractions, Simplest form of a fraction like and unlike fractions, Comparing like and unlike fractions, Addition and Subtraction of Fractions, Exercise 7.1, 7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5 and 7.6

Chapter 8 Decimals


In this chapter we will understand the parts of one whole unit, fraction to decimal notation, representation of decimals on number line, changing decimal to fraction , comparison of fractions, uses of decimals in our daily life like unit of money, length and weight.

Chapter 9 Data Handling

आँकड़ों का प्रबंधन

Topics included in this chapter are collection of numbers to give some information, arrangement of data in tabular form, tally marks, pictograph, bar graph, NCERT Exercise Solution 9.1, 9.2, 9.3,9.4

Chapter 10 Mensuration


Perimetrer and area of a rectangle, square and equilateral triangle, regular closed figures,Solution of Exercise Quesiotns 10.1, 10.2, 10.3

Chapter 11 Algebra


Understanding concept of variable using matchsticks, what is an equation, solution of an equation Exercise 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 11.5 all quesion solution

Chapter 12 Ratio and Proportion

अनुपात और समानुपात

Understanding the concept of ratio and its uses, experssion ratio as fractions with NCERT Book Exercise 12.1,12.2, 12.3

Chapter 13 Symmetry


What is line of symmetry, numbers of lines of symmetry in scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, rectangle and and equilateral triangle, applications of symmetry in everyday lide in art , textile, technology, design creations, geometrical reasoning, Rangoli, architecture Exercise 13.1, 13.2, 13.3

Chapter 14 Practical Geometry

प्रायोगिक ज्यामिति

In this chapter of class 6 maths we will discuss the methods of drawing different geometrical shapes, use of mathematical instruments like graduated ruler , the compsses, the divider, Set-squares and the protractor, here we will learn to draw a circle when length of its radius is known, a line segment, copy a line segment, copy of an angle, bisector of a given angle, and to draw some angles with special measurement like 90,45,60,30,120 and 135 degree Solution of NCERT Exercise 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6