Mathematics Class 9 MCQ Quiz


COORDINATE GEOMETRY for 9th Class Quiz topics covered : Cartesian system, Coordinate axes, Origin, Quadrants, Abscissa, Ordinate, Coordinates of a point, Ordered pair, Plotting of points in the cartesian plane

  • total Questions =10
  • To know total score a button is given at the end of this quiz
  • Each correct question carry one marks.

Class 9 Maths Chapter 2


Q. 1. The perpendicular distance of the point $P(3,4)$ from the $y$-axis is


Q. 2. Ordinate of all points on the $x$-axis is


Q. 3. The point which lies on $y$-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of $y$-axis is


Q. 4. A point both of whose coordinates are negative will lie in


Q. 5. If $\mathrm{P}(5,1), \mathrm{Q}(8,0), \mathrm{R}(0,4), \mathrm{S}(0,5)$ and $\mathrm{O}(0,0)$ are plotted on the graph paper, then the point(s) on the $x$-axis are


Q. 6. On plotting the points $\mathrm{O}(0,0), \mathrm{A}(3,0), \mathrm{B}(3,4), \mathrm{C}(0,4)$ and joining $\mathrm{OA}, \mathrm{AB}, \mathrm{BC}$ and $\mathrm{CO}$ which of the following figure is obtained?


Q. 7. The points (other than origin) for which abscissa is equal to the ordinate will lie in


Q. 8. Abscissa of all the points on the $x$-axis is


Q. 9. If $\mathrm{P}(-1,1), \mathrm{Q}(3,-4), \mathrm{R}(1,-1), \mathrm{S}(-2,-3)$ and $\mathrm{T}(-4,4)$ are plotted on the graph paper, then the point(s) in the fourth quadrant are


Q. 10. If the perpendicular distance of a point $\mathrm{P}$ from the $x$-axis is 5 units and the foot of the perpendicular lies on the negative direction of $x$-axis, then the point $\mathrm{P}$ has

Main Concepts and Formule Chapter 3 Class 9 Mathematics Co-ordinate Geometry

- In the Cartesian plane, the horizontal line is called the $x$-axis and the vertical line is called the $y$-axis

- The coordinate axes divide the plane into four parts called quadrants

- The point of intersection of the axes is called the origin

- $\quad$ Abscissa or the $x$-coordinate of a point is its distance from the $y$-axis and the ordinate or the $y$-coordinate is its distance from the $x$-axis

- $\quad(x, y)$ are called the coordinates of the point whose abscissa is $x$ and the ordinate is $y$

- Coordinates of a point on the $x$-axis are of the form $(x, 0)$ and that of the point on the $y$-axis is of the form $(0, y)$, - The coordinates of the origin are $(0,0)$

- Signs of the coordinates of a point in the first quadrant are $(+,+)$, in the second quadrant $(-,+)$, in the third quadrant $(-,-)$ and in the fourth quadrant $(+,-)$